Teachings Teaching calendar
Teaching calendar
A.Y. 2023/2024 Classes.
I SEMESTER: from 09/13/2023 to 12/7/2023
II SEMESTER: from 02/26/2024 to 05/31/2024
Suspension of teaching activities from 03/28/2024 to 03/04/2024.
Closure of the Athenaeum on holidays from August 14 to 18, December 27 to 29, 2023.
The class schedule for the first semester can be found at the following link.
Classes will be held in-person and streaming or dual-mode lectures are excluded.
Legal services science: teaching aid for working students and other categories of students
Teaching will be conducted in-presence only. In order to provide a teaching aid to certain categories of students who are in conditions that prevent them from attending courses consistently (working students, out-of-class students, students with minor children, students with certified disabilities, students with certified health problems that prevent regular attendance, students with dyslexia) the professors at their discretion make available, on an experimental basis, recordings of the lectures of certain teachings after they have been held. Live streaming of lectures is not provided.
Members of these categories may have access to lecture recordings of courses participating in the experiment by filling out the appropriate form and sending it to scuola(AT)giurisprudenza.unifi.it by SEPTEMBER 18, 2023. (EXPIRED)
Doubled and tripled courses and course changes between alphabetical groups
Some of the subjects taught in undergraduate courses are divided into separate teachings by alphabetical letter of enrollment.
Example: the course History of Medieval and Modern Law I is taught by Prof. Paolo Cappellini for students whose first letter of the surname is between A and D, by Prof. Stefano Mannoni for students whose first letter of the surname is between E and N, by Prof. Bernardo Sordi for students whose first letter of the surname is between O and Z.
With reference to courses divided by alphabetical letter of the enrolled students, it is possible, upon justified request, to switch from one course to another.
For 15 CFU courses, taught in semesters I and II, the switch can be requested only at the beginning of semester I.
The Commission in charge, appointed by Decree of the President of the School No. 4/2014, makes its decision within ten days after the deadline for submission of applications. Course passage is conditional on actual attendance.
RULES approved by the F.C. on 9/20/2012 and revised in the School Council on 7/19/2018.
Course changes first semester 2023/24
All applications for course changes (except the case to be discussed immediately) were granted, the number of applications received for each teaching being less than or equal to 50.
Prior to the start of classes, the lists of students admitted for course change will be communicated to the faculty members concerned so that they can proceed with attendance verification.
For the only course change related to the teaching of civil procedure (from group A-D toward group H-Z), a number of requests exceeding 50 was submitted. Pursuant to Article 2(1) of the School's Regulations for Course Changes, applications submitted by students enrolled in a year other than the one in which the teaching is provided (4th year) were excluded.
List of accepted applications