The three legal clinics are part of the highly qualified didactic activities aimed at implementing the “European an Transnational Dimension of Juridical Studies” and “The City of Justice” development lines of the project on which basis the DSG has obtained the “Department of Excellence” award from the MIUR for the 2018-2022 period.
Clinic 1, “The Rights of International Protection Applicants”, has been incorporated within the Tuscan Regional Government (Regione Toscana) project aimed at developing the regional acceptance system’s wealth of competences and know-how. With its contribution, The Regional Government has sponsored the activation of Clinic 1 in order for the latter to offer a specific syllabus to 25 CAS operators.
The Regional Government has started the selection of CAS operators who, as anticipated during the presentation of the Clinic, will partake in lectures.
The final Moot Court of Clinic 2 “The Protection of Rights by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has been incorporated within the context of a conference organized in collaboration with the Criminal Court of Florence and with the support of the Legal Education Foundation among the events, which will be valid as training for attorneys, offering four credits.
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